Minutes of a Regular Meeting
The Gloversville Housing Authority’s Board of Commissioners met at its monthly meeting that was held at the Gloversville Housing Authority, 141 West Street on Monday, November 8th, 2021 at 6:00 PM.
Board Members Present:
- John Poling, Vice Chairperson, Commissioner
- Lashawn Hawkins, Secretary, Commissioner
- Raymond Yorks, Commissioner
- Thomas Tubbs, Commissioner
- Kaci Coffin, Commissioner
Others Present:
- Bryan Goldberger, Authority Legal Counsel
- Jason Mazur – Executive Director
Vice-Chairperson Poling called the meeting to order at 6:00p.m. All present stood for the Pledge of Allegiance and moment of silence.
Vice-Chaiperson Poling conducted a roll call memorializing the presence of the above-named individuals.
Vice-Chairperson Poling opened the floor for public comment and with there being no persons who spoke, the board proceeded with the agenda
Vice-Chairperson Poling opened the floor for announcements of commissioners and introduced Kaci Coffin. Commissioner Coffin stated that she moved to Gloversville thirteen years ago from Fort Plain and wanted to get involved more in the community.
Vice-Chaiperson Poling asked if the new commissioners would be memorialized in the minutes and Executive Director confirmed that it would be noted in the minutes. Mazur stated that Kaci’s term expires in December. Poling asked that the minutes be included in the meeting packets. Mazur indicated once Attorney Casale submits the minutes, he will attach the minutes in the meeting packet. Poling asked that the board be able to vote on the minutes for approval…Poling asked about the status of updating the website and Mazur confirmed that it had been updated to reflect all present board members.
Vice-Chairperson Poling opened the floor for Old Business, and with there being none, the board proceeding with the agenda.
The Executive Director’s report was provided by Jason Mazur. The paving project is underway and surveying has been completed. The tractor has been ordered and we are awaiting delivery from port within the next few weeks…. The sewer infrastructure continues to be an issue. Building 7 is without fully functioning sewer. We had to temporarily relocate a few tenants while work is being completed. This was discovered during search for asbestos. There are two vacant units that are being used for additional bathroom/showers under the circumstances. The severity of the issue is not completely yet known….Vacancy rate Dubois is the same as last month. The sewer problem needs to be fixed. ….Public Housing Management Certification has been completed. … The resolutions on the agenda are annual contracts with the City…Commissioner Hawkins inquired about many units had occupants that were displaced and Mazur indicated that right now it is four. It is possible that we might have to offer hotel accommodations for families that cannot be relocated into another unit. The water to building will need to be shut down for a period of time. Right now the water is on but it is very slow. The less usage right now, the better. Poling indicated that he is having issues on his street as well so it appears that this is happening throughout the city. …. We have been trying to fill apartments wherever we can. We have packets for the elderly and disabled out. We are cleaning up our records and making sure apartments are ready to go. The waiting list has approximately 90 people. The overall occupancy is 87% …. Poling asked about any staffing concerns and Mazur indicated that ultimately we would like to add additional maintenance but we will keep the numbers the same for now….Poling inquired about any new covid-19 outbreak and Mazur indicated that there was nothing new to report.
Vice-Chairperson Poling opened the floor for board committee reports, and with there having been none, the board proceeded with the agenda.
Vice-Chairperson Poling opened the floor for new business. Poling presented Resolution 823 for garbage removal services with the City of Gloversville for 2022-2023. A motion having been made by Commissioner Yorks and a second having been made by Commissioner Hawkins, the resolution was ratified by a vote of 5-0 in the affirmative. ….Poling introduced Resolution 824 to purchase salt from the City of Gloversville for 2022-2023. A motion having been made by Commissioner Coffin and a second having been made by Commissioner Yorks, the resolution was ratified by a vote of 5-0 in the affirmative. … Poling introduced Resolution 825 to purchase fuel from the City of Gloversville for 2022-2023. A motion having been made by Commissioner Hawkins and a second having been made by Commissioner Yorks, the resolution was ratified by a vote of 5-0 in the affirmative. ……Poling introduced Resolution 826 Approving disbursements for October 2021. A motion to adopt said resolution was made by Commissioner Coffin and a second was made by Commissioner Tubbs, the resolution was ratified by a vote of 5-0 in the affirmative.
A motion was made to go into executive session pursuant to Public Officers Law, Section 105(1)(f), said motion having been made Commissioner Poling and a second having been made by Commissioner Hawkins , said motion carried by a vote of 5-0 in the affirmative. The Board, Director Mazur, and Attorneys Casale and Goldberger commenced said executive session at 6:27p.m.
A motion was made at _______pm to conclude said executive session, said motion having been made by Commissioner _________ and a second having been made by Commissioner ________, the motion was carried by a vote of 5-0 in the affirmative.
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Commissioner ________ and a second was made by Commissioner _______, with said motion having carried by a vote of 5-0 in the affirmative. The meeting was adjourned at ________ p.m.
Lashawn Hawkins, Secretary