JUNE 8, 2024 - Gloversville Housing Authority
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JUNE 8, 2024

Board Meeting
Jun 08 2024

JUNE 8, 2024

The Gloversville Housing Authority’s Board of Commissioners met at its monthly meeting that was held at Dubois Garden Apartments, 181 West Street Gloversville NY on June 17, 2024 at 6:00p.m


Board Members Present:

  • Ellen Anadio, Commissioner
  • Lashawn Hawkins, Commissioner
  • Ronald Holly, Commissioner
  • Sherry Courtney, Resident Commissioner

Others Present:

  • Anthony Casale, Authority Legal Counsel
  • Kayla Potter – Executive Director

Commissioner Anadio called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. All present stood for the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a moment of silence.

Commissioner Anadio conducted a roll call memorializing the presence of the above-named individuals.

Commissioner Anadio opened the floor for public comment:

[inaudible name] from Forest Hill Towers, Apt, 212, spoke and asked for a status update regarding the new doors and also stated that the push button on the new box that was recently installed is broken.

Joyce Estey spoke and asked about whether the GHA board would resume rotating the meetings at the three GHA properties and that it would be nice to see this because different tenants are able to participate.

Attorney Casale stated that given that the front office is located at Dubois Garden Apartments and given the nature of the business of these meetings, it is necessary for the board to primarily meet at Dubois Gardens and when opportunity permits a meeting can be held at one of the other properties.

Director Potter added that though the audits have been completed, there are a  number of corrective actions that GHA must now undertake.

April Moorehouse spoke and stated that when considering Dubois Gardens as home base for meetings it is not taking into consideration the older tenants and suggested doing the meetings at Dubois Gardens every other month and that the older tenants have just as much of a right to attend as other tenants.

Commissioner Anadio stated that we currently working on policies and it is necessary to be here.

Estey said that it is unfortunate that some are not able to get here.

[inaudible stated] last meeting I turned in a thing a about a bylaw and a policy and asked if Anadio recalled.

Attorney Casale identified that he believed that the document pertained to the Tenant’s Association.

Susan Fox spoke and stated that she believed additional maintenance personnel needed to be added. One maintenance guy cannot take care of the inside and the outside. We must be saving money somewhere because we used to have more maintenance men. Is it possible to hire more? We only have three?

 Toni Lampkin spoke and stated that there are tenants that receive stipends to do cleaning.

 Fox stated that the she does not believe that it is her responsibility to do the floor so the floor is not getting cleaned. It is not being done very well. A lot of people have been complaining. It’s not the maintenance guys fault because they can only do so much.

Commissioner Anadio opened the floor for Announcements by Commissioners. Commissioner Holly indicated that he recently completed a training seminar for GHA.

Commissioner Anadio opened the floor for Communications and with there being none, the board proceeded with its agenda.

Commissioner Anadio opened the floor for old business and with there being none, the board proceeded with its agenda.

The Executive Director’s Report was provided by Kayla Potter.

HUD reps were here on June 4 for site visit that went well. We have satisfied a number of items in the Recovery Agreement……

Overall occupancy is 81%……

The grounds looked great. Overall it was a great site visit. ….

The REAC inspection is this Friday. Frankie has been a savior….

The 2021 audit was submit today, the 2022 audit will be submitted by the end of this week and 2022 will be submitted by the end of the month and on time. ……

Two resumes have been submitted to Civil Service for a maintenance position and clerk typist. Once civil service approves, I can begin interviews. …..

5 move ins at Dubois for month of May. Jesse completed all recertifications for Kingsboro Towers for month of May and is working on Forest Hill recertifications for month of June. Toni is working on the recertifications at Dubois Gardens. The are approximately 85 that have not been done in two years. …

The Dubois playground project is finishing up and camera installations should be completed within two weeks. …..

The intercom project at the towers will resume on June 24. ….

The side doors at Forest Hill Towers, the company ordered the wrong size. We are waiting on word for a date for the new doors to arrive.

Commissioner Anadio opened the floor for board committee reports and with there being none, the board continued with its agenda

Commissioner Anadio opened the floor for new business and indicated that a meeting of the personnel committee needs to be held after July 9….

Commissioner Anadio presented Resolution 870 regarding monthly vendor invoices and read said resolution, said resolution reading as following: into the record as follows: Whereas the Gloversville Housing Authority’s Finance Committee has reviewed the monthly vendor invoices for payment of the financial obligations of the Gloversville Housing Authority for the month of May 2024 and finds all payments on the attached list to be in order. Now therefore be it resolved, the Board of Commissioners of the Gloversville Housing Authority has reviewed the monthly vendor invoices for payment as set forth on the attached list.”

A motion was made by Commissioner Holly adopting Resolution 870, and said motion was seconded by Commissioner Courtney. There was no additional discussion and Resolution 870 was approved by a vote of 4-0 in the affirmative…..

A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Commissioner Hawkins and seconded by Commissioner Holly. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0 in the affirmative. The meeting was adjourned at 6:24 pm.

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