About Us
Gloversville Housing AuthorityThe Housing Authority shall at all times develop and operate each development solely for the purpose of providing decent, safe and sanitary housing for eligible families in a manner that promotes serviceability, economy, efficiency, and stability for the developments, and the economic and social well-being of the residents.”
Administration Office Hours
Kingsboro Towers
Office Hours M-F 8:30 – 4
Forest Hill Towers
office Hours M-F 8:30 – 4:00
DuBois Garden Apartments
Office Hours M-F 8:30 – 4:00,
Administrative Staff
Executive Director: Kayla Potter
Kingsboro Tenant Relations Assistant: Jessee Ellis
Forest HIlls Tenant Relations Assistant: Melissa Bacon
Dubois Gardens Tenant Relations: Toni Lampman
Board Members
Chairperson: Ellen Anadio
Vice President: Gail Peters
Secretary: Lashawn Hawkins
Commissioner: Ronald Holly, Jr.
Board Member: Imari Shaw
Tennant Commissioner: Sherry Courtney
General Liability Attorney: Anthony Casale, Esq.
Labor Attorney: Bryan J. Goldberger, Esq.
Our Monthly Meetings are the second Monday of each Month at Dubois Garden Apartments, 6:00PM