Minutes of a Regular Meeting
The Gloversville Housing Authority’s Board of Commissioners met at its monthly meeting that was held at the Gloversville Housing Authority, 141 West Street on February 14th, 2022 at 6:00p.m.
Board Members Present:
- Brenda Leitt, Chairperson
- Ellen Anadio, Commissioner
- Raymond Yorks, Commissioner
- Kaci Coffin, Commissioner
- Lashawn Hawkins, Commissioner
- Thomas Tubbs, Commissioner
Others Present:
- Anthony Casale, Authority Legal Counsel
- Bryan Golberger, Authority Legal Counsel
- Jason Mazur – Executive Director
Chairperson Leitt called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. All present stood for the Pledge of Allegiance and moment of silence.
Chairperson Leitt conducted a roll call memorializing the presence of the above-named individuals.
Chairperson Leitt opened the floor for public comment. Frank Hutchins, GHA employee in the maintenance department spoke about problems with plumbing infrastructure and showed an example of the type of copper piping that exists throughout GHA. The infrastructure is old, having been installed in early 1950’s. Given the way the pipes were laid, the wood portion is disintegrating. GHA should start addressing this issue sooner than later. It will not be cheap. Let’s put our heads together and find a solution. ….There being no other speakers, the board proceeded with the agenda.
Attorney Casale spoke about the importance of speakers to please try and speak towards the microphone and please try to speak one at a time. The recording device is very sensitive which is great for keeping an accurate record but it is sometimes hard to understand the recording when multiple people speak at once.
Chairperson Leitt opened the floor for announcements of commissioners and with there being none, the board proceeded with the agenda.
Chairperson Leitt opened the floor for Communications and with there being none, the board proceeded with its agenda.
Chairperson Leitt opened the floor for Old Business and with there being none, the board proceeded with its agenda.
The Executive Director’s report was provided by Jason Mazur. The cost regarding the issue Hutchins spoke about cost approximately $35,000 for one unit …
A couple ideas we had lately were looking at grant opportunities given the vastness of the project. We are hoping to tackle a couple each year. …
Occupancy levels are one of our biggest priorities. We have had a recent decrease. The vacancies in the towers beginning to become a bigger issue. The two units at Dubois Garden should be filled very soon. We are working on getting the towers occupied more quickly.
Chairperson Leitt having opened the floor for board committee reports, and with there having been none, the board proceeded with the agenda.
Chairperson Leitt having opened the floor for new business. Chairperson Leitt introduced Resolution 830 regarding monthly vendor invoices and read said resolution into the record as follows:
“Whereas the Gloversville Housing Authority’s Finance Committee has reviewed the monthly vendor invoices for payment of the financial obligations of the Gloversville Housing Authority for the month of January 2022 and finds all payments on the attached list to be in order. Now therefore be it resolved, the Board of Commissioners of the Gloversville Housing Authority approves the disbursements for January 2022 as set forth on the attached list.”
Commissioner Anadio asked for a motion of recusal due to two payments having been made to the City of Gloversville from the list of checks referenced by Leitt. The motion for recusal was made Commissioner Hawkins and seconded by Commissioner Coffin. There was no discussion and the motion was approved 5-0 in the affirmative. A motion to adopt Resolution 830 was then made by Commissioner Hawkins and seconded by Commissioner Coffin. There was no additional discussion. Resolution 830 was ratified by a vote of 5-0 in the affirmative.
Chairperson Leitt asked for a motion to adopt the minutes of the January 2022 monthly meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Anadio and a second was made by Commissioner Tubss. The floor was opened for discussion. There was no discussion. The motion was approved by a vote of 6-0 in the affirmative.
Chairperson Leitt opened the floor for discussion about the filling of vacant units. Mazur stated that we are working as fast as we can, everyone is going above and beyond
A motion was made to go into executive session at 6:11pm pursuant to Public Officers Law, Section 105(1)(e), said motion having been made Commissioner Anadio and a second having been made by Commissioner Hawkins, said motion carried by a vote of 6-0 in the affirmative. The Board, Director Mazur, and Attorneys Casale and Goldberger commenced said executive session at 6:12p.m. A motion was made at 6:21 pm to conclude said executive session, said motion having been made by Commissioner Anadio and a second having been made by Commissioner Coffin, the motion was carried by a vote of 6-0 in the affirmative.
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Commissioner Anadio and a second was made by Commissioner Coffin, with said motion having carried by a vote of 6-0 in the affirmative. The meeting was adjourned at 6:22 p.m.
Lashawn Hawkins, Secretary