Minutes of a Regular Meeting
The Gloversville Housing Authority’s Board of Commissioners met in a regular session at DuBois Garden Apartments on Tuesday, December 17, 2019 at 6:00 PM.
Board Members Present:
- John Poling, Chairperson
- Marcia Weiss, Secretary
- Diane Sauve, Resident Commissioner
- Margie Pedrick, Commissioner
Others Present:
- Deb Ambrosino, Tenant Relations
- Anthony Casale, Authority Legal Counsel
- Bryan Goldberger, Authority Legal Counsel
Chairperson Poling called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll call was taken memorializing the presence of the above referenced individuals.
Chairperson Poling having asked for a motion to adopt the minutes of the November 2019 meeting, said motion having been made by Resident Commissioner Sauve and having been seconded by Commissioner Pedrick, the motion to adopt said minutes was carried unanimously.
Chairperson Poling having opened the floor for public comment at 6:02 p.m., with there having been no speakers, public comment having been closed at 6:03 p.m.
Chairperson Poling having opened the floor for communication, with there having been no communication, Chairperson Poling having moved on to old business. Chairperson Poling having opened the floor for old business, with there having been no old business, old business having been closed.
An executive director’s report was provided by Deb Ambrosino. The elevator at Kingsboro Towers was out of service two times in the last two weeks, the problems were with elevator number one; overtime for maintenance was incurred due to a septic issue at unit five; she is in the process of obtaining estimates for cleaning/painting services. The Board will be notified prior to any contract being executed. Secretary Weiss discussed the prospect of using a temp agency versus the prospect of contracting out with a vendor for cleaning services. Ms. Ambrosino indicated that Semione Cleaning and Perfection Cleaning will each be submitting estimates; electrical boxes at Forest Hill Towers are being remediated and Fulton County Electric is working on the electrical boxes at this time; windows at Forest Hill Towers are continuing to be replaced and it is expected that this process will continue through Spring 2020; Ms. Ambrosino indicated that she is getting the Housing Authority caught up in re-renting properties that have been vacated. Secretary Weiss made inquiry as to the number of vacancies at this time. Ms. Ambrosino estimated that there were eight vacancies at Forest Hill Towers, seven at Kingsboro Towers, and seven vacancies at DuBois Gardens; a holiday party was scheduled for later in the weekend. GHA had received 36 RSVPs from tenants that are expected to attend and participate and it is hopeful that additional tenants will RSVP prior to the party; GHA will begin a policy allowing to rent the community room at DuBois Gardens there shall be a $25.00 deposit required, a form for the rental of the community room already exists. Ms. Ambrosino will forward a copy of the rental agreement to Attorney Casale for his review and approval; Forest Hill Towers held their holiday party last weekend and it was a very well attended event and great fun was had by all. Chairperson Poling gave thanks to Deb Ambrosino for getting the apartments ready to be re-rented and commended Ms. Ambrosino on doing a fantastic job.
A Finance Committee report was provided by Chairperson Poling. The Finance Committee had met within the last month and all accounts are in order.
Chairperson Poling having called for new business, resolution 790 for accounts payable for the month of November 2019 having been presented. A motion to adopt said resolution having been made by Secretary Weiss and having been seconded by Resident Commissioner Sauve, said resolution was unanimously approved.
The Tenant Relations Committee report was provided by Resident Commissioner Sauve. Christmas is here. There are many parties and gatherings. Kingsboro Towers and Forest Hill Towers have events that will be scheduled and Santa will be here this weekend.
Chairperson Poling having called for any other action, a motion having been made by Secretary Weiss to accept the request for proposal for legal services provided by Attorney Casale for legal services to the Gloversville Housing Authority, said motion having been seconded by Resident Commissioner Pedrick, with said motion having been unanimously approved.
Motion having been made to go into Executive Session pursuant to Public Officers Law 105.1 (f), said motion having been made at 6:15 p.m. by Secretary Weiss and having been seconded by Resident Commissioner Sauve, with the Board indicating that no action would be taken, the Board went into Executive Session at 6:15 p.m. Following discussion, a motion having been made at 8:01 p.m. by Secretary Weiss to conclude said Executive Session, said motion having been seconded by Resident Commissioner Sauve, the said Executive Session concluded at 8:01 p.m.
A motion having been made to adjourn the meeting at 8:02 p.m. Secretary Weiss, said motion having been seconded by Resident Commissioner Sauve, said motion having been carried unanimously and the meting having been adjourned at 8:02 p.m.