Minutes of a Regular Meeting
The Gloversville Housing Authority’s Board of Commissioners met in a regular session at Forest Hill Towers on Tuesday, July 16 2019 at 6:00 PM.
Board Members Present:
- John Castiglione, Chairperson
- John Poling, Vice Chairperson
- Marcia Weiss, Secretary
- Gail Ryan, Commissioner
- Amanda Ossenfort, Commissioner
- Diane Sauve, Resident Commissioner
Others Present:
- Heather Reynolds, Executive Director
- Anthony Casale, Authority Legal Counsel
- Bryan Goldberger, Authority Legal Counse
The Chairperson called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. The minutes of the regular meeting held in June were presented. The Chairperson asked for a motion to adopt the minutes of the June meeting. Commissioner Poling made a motion to adopt the minutes as presented. Commissioner Ossenfort seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously.
The Chairperson asked if there were any public comments. With no comments from the public Chairperson Castiglione asked if there was any old business to discuss.
The Chairperson asked Commissioner Ossenfort if she had anything to report from the Tenant Relations Committee, there was nothing to report.
Chairperson Castiglione asked Commissioner Ryan if she had anything to report from Buildings and Grounds Committee. Commissioner Ryan advised the committee did not meet.
Commissioner Castiglione advised he had nothing to report from the Personnel Committee.
The Chairperson asked Commissioner Poling for his monthly report from the Finance Committee. Commissioner Poling advised the committee met and went over all checks payable including payroll and verified the checks with the invoices. They also look at the operating expenses and the income the authority receives from rent and HUD subsidy. Commissioner Poling advised at the August meeting they will be going over the Operating Budget.
The Chairperson opened up the Public Hearing at 6:03 PM. With no comments regarding the Public Hearing the meeting reconvened at 6:04 PM. Chairperson Castiglione asked for a motion to adopt Resolution No. 780, approving the Capital Fund Program (CFP) for Fiscal Year Beginning 2019. Commissioner Weiss made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 780. Commissioner Ryan seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously.
Chairperson Castiglione asked for a motion to approve Resolution No. 781, accounts payable for June 2018. Commissioner Ryan made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 781. Commissioner Weiss seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously.
The Chairperson asked Resident Commissioner Sauve for her monthly report. Commissioner Sauve advised she will be meeting with Executive Director Reynolds and Tenant Relations Assistant Ambrosino on July 31, 2019 to discuss possibly starting a Tenants Association at the family development, DuBois Garden Apartments. She also advised she is still working on the monthly newsletter, she would like to combine all three developments. Commissioner Sauve advised some of the concerns from the residents are the front doors at Forest Hill Towers and the community room floor at Kingsboro Towers. She also advised some of the residents had questioned her about them talking with Board members. She explained to the residents the proper procedures to follow. Mrs. Ryan asked her if she told the residents about the Tenant Relations Committee. Ms. Sauve advised she did, she just explained the procedures the residents need to follow.
Chairperson Castiglione asked Director Reynolds for her monthly report. She went over the vacancy report advising the average for the month was 96.3%.
Executive Director Reynolds reported on the Week in Review for she sends to the Board. All the new refrigerators at DuBois have been delivered, with at least one spare for each development. On June 26, 2019 the Assembly of God Church will be holding an event for the children at DuBois, she has requested the insurance information from them. A new hot water tank was installed in building #1 at DuBois.
We are still working on the intercom system at Forest Hill Towers and also looking into a fob system for the front doors. We are waiting on an estimate from the locksmith for re-keying the building. Director Reynolds then explained a new locking system we are looking at for the apartment doors at Forest Hill Towers. It is a combination system and when someone new moves into the apartment they pick their own four or five number code. She also explained the door will lock itself when it shuts. Commissioner Ossenfort asked if there were a certain number of times you could put in a wrong code before you could be locked out. Director Reynolds advised no. She also advised there will be a master code for emergencies. The Executive Director advised we had a plumbing company back to Forest Hill Towers to check the hot water tank and the noise it makes. Commissioner Sauve advised she put in a work order today the tank is still making the noise.
The new flooring in the community room at Kingsboro Towers has been scheduled for installation. We are also planning to redo the bathroom in the office at Kingsboro Towers.
Director Reynolds introduced the new Tenant Relations Assistant, Debora Ambrosino. Some items mentioned by the Executive Director that she was planning for was employee training through Nan McKay, possibly putting a couple of game tables in the community room at DuBois Garden Apartments, revamping the Authority’s procedures and forms, and removing some of the shopping carts from the community room at Kingsboro Towers as there are so many it is becoming a hazard.
Commissioner Poling asked about the vacancy rate and was DuBois always low. The Executive Director advised she is unsure of what the previous rates were. Mr. Poling asked about Upstate Collections, have we ever received anything from them. The Executive Director stated we have never received anything from them. Commissioner Weiss asked if the Authority has received nothing at all from them. The Executive Director advised we have not even received any reports from them. She added she has contacted another company and will reach out to them again.
The Chairperson asked for a motion to go into Executive Session to discuss pending litigation. Mrs. Ryan made a motion to go into Executive Session to discuss pending litigation. Commissioner Weiss seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. Chairperson Castiglione asked for a motion to go into Executive Session to discuss employment history of a particular employee. Commissioner Weiss made a motion to go into Executive Session to discuss the employment history of a particular person. Commissioner Ossenfort seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. The Board went into Executive Session at 6:20 PM.
The Chairperson asked for a motion to reconvene the meeting. Ms. Sauve made a motion to reconvene the meeting. Mrs. Weiss seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. The meeting reconvened at 8:11 PM.
With no further business to discuss, Chairperson Castiglione asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Poling made a motion to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:12 PM.