Minutes of a Regular Meeting
The Gloversville Housing Authority’s Board of Commissioners met at its monthly meeting that was held at the Gloversville Housing Authority, 141 West Street on October 24, 2022 at 6:00p.m.
Board Members Present:
- John Poling, Commissioner
- Ellen Anadio, Commissioner
- Lashawn Hawkins, Commissioner
- Gail Peters, Commissioner
- Sherry Courtney, Resident Commissioner
Others Present:
- Anthony Casale, Authority Legal Counsel
- Bryan Goldberger, Authority Labor Counsel
- Jason Mazur – Executive Director
Commissioner Poling called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. All present stood for the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a moment of silence.
Commissioner Poling conducted a roll call memorializing the presence of the above-named individuals and noted the resignation of Brenda Leitt.
Commissioner Poling opened the floor for public comment: Joyce Estee, President of the tenant association at Kingsboro Towers. She indicated that that she was appalled at the conditions and about security measures that are not in place. She indicated that she has had difficulty reaching the front office and has tried every way she knows to communicate with the board. There is a security issue with the front door. The security alarms were removed for the election and were never replaced. The emergency alarms do not all work. Mazur explained that when it is triggered, the front door is locked. Joyce stated the intercom does not work and she has to go downstairs to let people in. She also stated that now people are allowed to change apartments, and this was not allowed. She stated that there are security issues that are not being addressed and that there is one individual that lives at her tower that if he is in the elevator, she does not want to be there. She stated that the GHA board used to go to the towers for monthly meetings from time to time and that she had to hitch a ride to attend the meeting tonight and that it would be nice if the board would do this again. ….
Maggie ______ stated that just following up, there are people that leave in the middle of the night that leave the door open and it is a security issue. …
Mazur asked if they had any proposed suggestions and indicated that a carding or fobbing system will not stop the behavior of people giving their card of fob to unauthorized individuals. The card would be good for the main door and the apartment. Joyce suggested that card could have a chip. Mazur indicated that the concern is that if a card is misplaced, then someone could have access to both the front door and the apartment. Mazur indicated that he is aware that this is an issue and it will require some research to determine the best path forward with regard to this issue. The issue exists at FHT as well. …
Joyce stated that something has to be done and Mazur stated that he hopes that collectively that a solution can be found. …
Joyce stated that when she first moved in many years ago, there was security at night. ….
Mazur stated that the biggest issue is that people let in people that are outside and that this is a behavioral issue.
Poling moved on with the agenda for Announcement of Commissioners. The board reviews the overall policies and finances of GHA. The exeutive director reports to the board. The executive director has staffing including tenant relations staff and maintenance staff. There should be five standing committees. The tenant relations committee deals with unresolved complaints after there has been documented failure to resolve the issue with the GHA front office. There must be documentation and a good faith demonstration that they have tried to resolve the issue. The Committee will be the Chair, Vicechair, and Secretary…
The Finance committee reviews the budget and reviews the checkbook and checks to be processed. This committee also reviews the occupancy rates for GHA and examines the line items of the budget. The Finance Committee shall consist of the Chair, the Vicechair and another board member to be named later. ….
The Pesonnelll Committee with be the Chair and two other board members to be named later. They will review personell issues and may interview prospective new hires and make recommendations to the board for final approval . This committee shall be the Chair and two other board members to be named later……
The Buildings and Grounds Committee is very important because this committee deals with security and all of the building surroundings. This committee will consist of the two Resident Commissioners and one other board member to be later named. ….
The Executive will handle the major issues of the board, including any issues dealing with major issues like fraud The Executive Committee shall consist of the Char, Vicechair, and Secretary. …
The executive director may act as advisor for each committee and any committee can call him in. The meeting times for the committees should be at least quarterly. Usually the committee meetings take place during the so that Mazur is available to provide any needed information ….
The committee assignments could change in the future but now we are short two members. The committee chairs should take notes and report back to the board. Hopefully, with more routine committee meetings and transparency, we can work together to find solutions. Finance: Chair, Vicechair; and Gail. Personnel: Chair; Lashawn; and Gail. Buildings and Grounds: Sherry, Lashawn and myself. Executive: chair; vice chair ; and secretary and the Tenant Relations Committee will be the chair, vicechair and secretary. ….
Poling stated that the board would resume the practice of holding monthly meetings at the different GHA properties. ….
Joyce from the audience asked if she could ask a question and Poling stated that she could not do so during this part of the meeting
Poling opened the floor for Communications, and with there being none, the board proceeded with the agenda
Poling opened the floor for Old Business, and with there being none, the board moved on with its agenda.
The Executive Director’s report was provided by Jason Mazur. We closed out last year a little short and we are trying to get back delinquent balances. The maintenance project – the paving company will be next week to fix sidewalks….
Lori and I went to FHT and had some good conversations with the residents of FHT. We will next do Kingsboro Towers like we did a few months ago. It is good that we are informed about the problems. Many times, people are hesitant to come forward and report problems to us. Unless we know about it, there is little we can do to fix it….
It appears that the problem we need to fix the most is people letting other people in the building. It is difficult to find a solution if this dynamic persists… Poling requested that Mazur put out a newsletter to reiterate this kind of information to the tenants. Poling stated that when his mother in-law was resident, he observed people holding the door open and letting people in all the time. There are many frequent visitors such as visiting nurses . People need to be able to let them in and GHA is not a nursing home. It is up to the tenants to take care of this. Mazur reiterated that updating the key system will not solve this problem. …
Joyce from the audience stated that with past directors, they had direct access and that with Jason she cannot get to the office even with all the committees in the world. Poling ended the interruption and requested that Mazur continue with his report….
Mazur stated that occupancy remains the same as last month, between 85-86%. …
JR retired so we need to fill one more maintenance position. … Mazur stated that he apologized for difficulty in communicating with the front office but right now it is only him, Lori and Jessie. …
Joyce interrupted from the audience and asked why there are not more people in the office and Mazur replied that revenue not realized due to delinquencies is a contributing factor. Joyce stated in all her years, the door at the front office was always unlocked and when you called, you spoke to a real person. …
Mazur indicated that they are doing the best they can do given the budgetary constraints that exist. Joyce again interrupted and stated that there are no longer any rules. Mazur indicated that rules most certainly continue to exist. Many times, tenants do not follow through and file complaints and many times they are reluctant to get directly involved. ….
Mazur stated that Stanley doors have been out many times check the doors, but if someone goes and then places a piece of tape on it…..
Poling cued Attorney Casale to restore order to the meeting. Attorney Casale stated that the public session portion of the meeting was held earlier in the meeting and since the time that the public session ended, we now have had several friendly interruptions and that the meeting cannot proceed in this manner. A specific portion of the meeting to allow for the public to speak so that the people are not talking over one another. A record is being made of this meeting. While it may be well intended, we cannot, with all due to respect to all in the room, continue with each item in the agenda and stop to hear what Joyce thinks about it.
Poling requested that Mazur continue with his report. Poling confirmed that total delinquencies are approximately $112K. Poling emphasized that the Finance committee will keep track of this. …
Mazur stated as far as capital projects and funding, I planned for windows, toilets and flooring, probably $500k in capital funds tied up over the next couple years to address these issues in these buildings. At DG, there are approx. $300k of plumbing infrastructure that needs to be addressed. Simultaneously ,we are trying to deal with the day to day issues. Patience is please requested. Mazur asked if anyone had any questions. There were none.
Chairperson Poling having opened the floor for new business and Attorney Casale presented Resolution 842 regarding monthly vendor invoices and read said resolution into the record as follows:
“Whereas the Gloversville Housing Authority’s Finance Committee has reviewed the monthly vendor invoices for payment of the financial obligations of the Gloversville Housing Authority for the month of September 2022 and finds all payments on the attached list to be in order.
Now therefore be it resolved, the Board of Commissioners of the Gloversville Housing Authority has reviewed the monthly vendor invoices for payment as set forth on the attached list.”
Poling asked for a motion adopting Resolution 842 and said motion was made by Commissioner Anadio and seconded by Commissioner Peters. There was no additional discussion and Resolution 842 was approved by a vote of 5-0 in the affirmative…..
Poling asked for a motion approving the minutes from the September 2022 monthly meeting. Said motion was made by Commissioner Hawkins and seconded Commissioner Anadio. There was no additional discussion and the motion was passed by a vote of 5-0 in the affirmative.
Poling asked for a motion approving the minutes from the 2022 Annual Meeting. Said motion was made by Commissioner Anadio and seconded Commissioner Peters. There was no additional discussion and the motion was passed by a vote of 5-0 in the affirmative.
Commissioner Poling asked whether there were any requests for Executive Session and Attorney Casale indicated that there was not. A motion was made to go into Executive Session pursuant to Public Officers Law, Section 105(1)(e) collective negotiations pursuant to Article 14 of the Civil Service Law. Said motion was made by Commissioner Poling and seconded by Commissioner Anadio. There was no further discussion. The motion was approved by a vote of 5-0 in the affirmative. The executive session started at 6:44pm…
A motion to end the executive session was made at 7:20pm by Commissioner Anadio and seconded by Commissioner Poling. There was no further discussion. The motion was approved by a vote 5-0 in the affirmative and the executive session ended at 7:20pm.
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Commissioner Anadio and seconded by Commissioner Hawkins, with said motion having carried by a vote of 5-0 in the affirmative. The meeting was adjourned at 7:22 p.m
Public session resumed at 7:22pm.
A motion was made by Commissioner Poling to hold the November 2022 monthly GHA meeting at Kingsboro Towers on November 14 at 6pm, said motion having been seconded by Commissioner Hawkins. There was no further discussion and the motion was approved by a vote of 5-0 in the affirmative.
Lashawn Hawkins, Secretary