Minutes of a Regular Meeting
The Gloversville Housing Authority’s Board of Commissioners met at its monthly meeting that was held at the Gloversville Housing Authority, 141 West Street on Tuesday, October 18th, 2021 at 6:00 PM.
Board Members Present:
- Brenda Leitt, Chairperson
- Lashawn Hawkins, Secretary
- John Poling, Commissioner
- Raymond Yorks, Commissioner
- Ellen Anadio, Commissioner
- Thomas Tubbs, Commissioner
Others Present:
- Anthony Casale, Authority Legal Counsel
- Bryan Goldberger, Authority Legal Counsel
- Jason Mazur – Executive Director
Chairperson Leitt called the meeting to order at 6:00p.m. All present stood for the Pledge of Allegiance and moment of silence.
Chairperson Leitt conducted a roll call memorializing the presence of the above-named individuals.
Chairperson Leitt opened the floor for public comment and with there being no persons who spoke, the board proceeded with the agenda
Chairperson Leitt opened the floor for announcements of commissioners. Commissioner Poling asked the new commissioners, Ellen Anadio and Thomas “Tommy” Tubbs to introduce and provide some background about themselves to the board. Commissioner Anadio stated that she is retired, having been previously employed at New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, and then got enticed into politics, running for office on the Common Council and is presently serving on the Common Council. Commissioner Tubbs stated that he moved to Gloversville from Albany six years ago and completed his recovery from alcohol while living in Gloversville. Chairperson Leitt stated that she was glad to have Anadio and Tubbs on the GHA board.
Chairperson Leitt opened the floor for Communications and indicated that she had received communications with Mayor Vincent DeSantis regarding his appointment of Commissioner Anadio to the GHA board of commissioners.
Chairperson Leitt opened the floor for Old Business, and with there being none, the board proceeding with the agenda.
The Executive Director’s report was provided by Jason Mazur. We have started to survey for the paving project that will commence in spring 2022. The project will commence with Dubois sidewalks, there are spots that washed out and pavement missing. The survey crew was here last week. They will go to Forrest Hill Towers next and survey the parking lot. We may or may not look into expanding FHT parking lot. The Gloversville Water Department has agreed to help us out with additional parking this coming winter… Jessie Ellis returned to work last week. We currently have two tenant relations assistants in the office and we are aggressively working to fill apartment, with fourteen packets going out today, which would potentially fill all of our vacancies…. The next thing is to make sure we are ready for winter. Tenant notice went out reminding tenants to bring their things inside and we are working with tenants that are having storing issues … We have been assisting several tenants in obtaining emergency assistance for the payment of past due rent. We have found some success. It takes approximately two or three months to complete. But it is helping, so more good news there. We want to help people and that is what we are trying to do … As far as vacancies, we are starting to fill up. We had a couple move into Kingsboro last week and we have a couple 3 or 4 bedroom apartments that we are trying to ready before the snow season commences. … The tractor ordered a couple months ago should arrive within the next couple weeks. … With Jessie back, it will help with the renting of apartments and reacting to tenant issue…. Commissioner Poling asked who came back to work and Mazur confirmed that Jessie Ellis returned to work. We are working on a split-schedule to make sure that we have visibility at all three locations. It was unexpected and appreciated all at the same time….. Chairperson Leitt asked if anyone had any questions for Mazur, and Commissioner Poling made inquiry as to whether the community rooms were open. Mazur indicated that community rooms are open and outside vendors are required to wear masks. For tenants, we recommend social distancing but they are not required to wear masks. Three additional hand sanitizer stations have been ordered and we are still doing our inspections and cleaning tasks, trying to keep up the best we can.
Chairperson Leitt having opened the floor for board committee reports, and with there having been none, the board proceeded with the agenda.
Chairperson Leitt having opened the floor for new business. Chairperson Leitt presented Resolution 822 Approving disbursements for September 2021. A motion to adopt said resolution was made by Commissioner Poling and a second was made by Commissioner Hawkins. Commissioner Poling made inquiry about line 921 of the report and Chairperson Leitt confirmed that this was for the services provided by Todd Mercer. and the resolution was adopted by a vote of 6-0 in the affirmative…. Chairperson Leitt stated that Laurie Claus was hired as a receptionist on September 20th and she seems to be doing really well and seems to be grasping what needs to be done. She also indicated that she had recently met Jessie and welcomed him back. Commissioner Poling said so now we have Laurie and Jessie, correct? Mazur stated that there will be a rotation at least twice per week either Jessie or Laurie will be at the office of both of the towers. We are going to spend more time at the office at the towers. There is stuff such as filing that needs to be caught up. Poling asked for the prognosis for future staffing concerns. Mazur stated that there a few things we are waiting to hear back on… Todd is doing a great job in providing accounting services.
Chairperson Leitt opened the floor for discussion about the filling of vacant units. Mazur stated that Kingsboro remains the top priority. We are at 90% occupancy rate. We have increased by 3% and with Jessie getting the 14 packets outs, we should be able to fill the vacant units quickly at this point and is confident that we are headed in the right direction.
A motion was made to go into executive session pursuant to Public Officers Law, Section 105(1)(f), said motion having been made Commissioner Hawkins and a second having been made by Commissioner Poling, said motion carried by a vote of 6-0 in the affirmative. The Board, Director Mazur, and Attorneys Casale and Goldberger commenced said executive session at 6:12p.m. A motion was made at 6:20 pm to conclude said executive session, said motion having been made by Commissioner Anadio and a second having been made by Commissioner Yorks, the motion was carried by a vote of 6-0 in the affirmative.
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Commissioner Hawkins and a second was made by Commissioner Anadio, with said motion having carried by a vote of 6-0 in the affirmative. The meeting was adjourned at 6:21 p.m.
Lashawn Hawkins, Secretary