Minutes of a Regular Meeting
The Gloversville Housing Authority’s Board of Commissioners met in a regular session at Forest Hill Towers on Tuesday, June 18, 2019 at 6:00 PM.
Board Members Present:
- John Castiglione, Chairperson
- John Poling, Vice Chairperson
- Marcia Weiss, Secretary
- Gail Ryan, Commissioner
- Amanda Ossenfort, Commissioner
- Diane Sauve, Resident Commissioner
Others Present:
- Heather Reynolds, Executive Director
- Anthony Casale, Authority Legal Counsel
The Chairperson called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. The minutes of the regular meeting held in May were presented. The Chairperson asked for a motion to adopt the minutes of the May meeting. Resident Commissioner Sauve made a motion to adopt the minutes as presented. Commissioner Poling seconded the motion. Chairperson Castiglione asked if there was any discussion. Commissioner Ryan questioned Resolution #777 about the changes that were be made and should they not be mentioned in the minutes. There are multiple changes as each development is different. She also questioned the By-Laws are they not sent to HUD. The By-Laws were sent to New York State.
The Chairperson asked if there were any comments from the public. Apt #302 from Kingsboro Towers spoke to the Board and thanked everyone for all they do for the residents at Kingsboro Towers. This resident told the Board of the many activities that have been happening at Kingsboro Towers; movie night, cook outs, dinners, etc. However, she did speak about the residents in the building not feeling safe, we have had the police in the building twice within the last seven days. She stated there is information that is being passed around that is not true and this frightens a lot of the residents. She has come to the Board to make them aware and ask them for help as the fear is real. Chairperson Castiglione advised the Board wants the residents to be happy and safe and if there is an issue here you have to talk to Executive Director Reynolds and Tenant Relations Assistant Linda Lizio so they can do whatever needs to be done so everyone feels safe. The Chairperson advised he was glad she brought these situations to the Board’s attention as they want the residents to be safe and happy.
Apt. #411 at Forest Hill Towers asked if anything could be done about the Ida McGinnis Senior Club parking in the parking lot when they have their meetings, with limited parking spots this makes it difficult for the residents to park. The Chairperson asked if she had addressed this problem Ms. Lizio. The resident said she had not. Chairperson Castiglione advised her to address it with Tenant Relations Assistant Lizio and she will get together with Director Reynolds to address that issue.
The resident then brought up the lobby doors. The Executive Director advised we are working on that now. We are working on a new entry system first and then we are looking into fobs for the doors. The resident explained they are concerned as the doors stay opened for a long time after someone enters. The Executive Director advised as far as the door openers we had two bids out on it and we should be making a decision soon as to who we are going to go with. The resident asked if we were getting fobs for the apartment doors. Director Reynolds advised no the fobs are only for the front doors, we are looking into something else for the apartment doors due to the issues the residents are having at Forest Hill Towers. The resident explained that some of the residents are blocking their apartment doors to prevent anyone from entering their apartments. The Executive Director advised the residents they should not be doing this, if there was an emergency how could emergency personnel get into their apartment. Director Reynolds advised the authority is working to correct the problem with the doors and locks but also reminded the residents that they cannot have copies of keys made to give to family and friends. The building is only as secure as the residents make it.
Apt. #1101 at Kingsboro Towers inquired about the gazebo for the back patio. The Executive Director advised Maintenance Supervisor Battaglia is looking into having someone come and look at what they can do on site rather than trying to get one off site. We would like to cover the picnic tables but have access on all three sides. Therefore we are looking into having four piers with a cover.
Apt. #805 at Forest Hill Towers asked who makes the final decision when an applicant is leased. Chairperson Castiglione explained that would be Tenant Relations Assistant. The Executive Director added if she has a question she goes to her.
With no further questions or comments from the public, the Chairperson asked if there was any old business. There was no old business to discuss.
The Chairperson asked if the Tenant Relations Committee had anything to report. Commissioner Ossenfort advised they had nothing to report at this time.
Chairperson Castiglione asked Commissioner Ryan if she had anything to report from the Buildings and Grounds Committee. Commissioner Ryan advised they met on May 29th and reviewed the Capital Funds Program (CFP) for fiscal year beginning 2019. She added what they reviewed is contingent upon priorities and on the funding received. She added that the Executive Director also updated them on some of the other issues that were happening with Buildings and Grounds.
The Chairperson asked Commissioner Poling for his report from the Finance Committee. Commissioner Poling advised the Finance Committee met on June 9th and explained that the Finance Committee reviews all all checks payable making sure that they match, where the money goes. The also review and reconcile all checkbooks: they look at the beginning and ending balances, the look at the Money Market funds and the Operating Budget, if there are any shortfalls. The checkbooks are reconciled, checks payable are verified. All these steps are done every month.
The Chairperson advised that the Personnel Committee met and there is nothing new to report.
The Chairperson presented Resolution No. 779 Accounts Payable for May 2019. Commissioner Weiss made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 779. Commissioner Ryan seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously.
The Chairperson presented Resolution No. 780 approving submission of the 5-year CFP for fiscal year beginning 2019. Resident Commissioner Sauve made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 780. Commissioner Ossenfort seconded the motion. Commissioner Ryan questioned if this Resolution shouldn’t be presented until after the Public Hearing which is being held in July, unless this is for the fiscal year beginning 2018. The Executive Director advised Mrs. Ryan was correct and this Resolution should be presented after the Public Hearing which will be held in July. Commissioner Ryan made a motion to rescind Resolution No. 780 until the Public Hearing. Commissioner Weiss seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously.
Chairperson Castiglione asked Resident Commissioner Sauve for her monthly report. Ms. Sauve advised she had met with the residents at Kingsboro Towers, which she is trying to do on a regular basis. The residents seem to be very happy with all the new activities that are happening with the help of one of the residents in the building. She added there were a few things that were brought up and she would like to speak to the Executive Director about them. Regarding DuBois she has been doing some research on it and would like to get together with the Executive Director about it. She would also like to speak with Ms. Lizio, Tenant Relations Assistant and employee Ms. Luck about DuBois as they have been working there for years. She would also like to see DuBois get together a Tenant’s Association again. Also regarding the monthly newsletter she has ideas on how to incorporate all three sights and hopefully she will be working on that within the next few weeks.
The Executive Director went over the occupancy report, with an average of 97%. Regarding her weekly reports, some of the items have been reported on previously or have already been done, so she will not be reporting on them.
We had our semi-annual inspections at DuBois and there are some apartments that need re-inspections. There is one more apartment that needs cleaning after that we will be caught up. We are working on a checklist for the resident files which we will use at all developments.
There was a plumbing issue in building 7 at DuBois that has been taken care of. We are waiting on a delivery date for the new refrigerators at DuBois. Residents have been notified to pick up their children’s toys outside so maintenance can do lawn care. We are meeting with an organization who is interested in holding a sports camp at DuBois.
At Forest Hill Towers the issue with the hot water tank has already been taken care of. We are working with our engineer to upgrade the breaker boxes in the apartments. Maintenance has been taking an inventory as some of these boxes may have previously been upgraded. A resident complained about the quality of water at Forest Hill Towers, the water department came and took a sample to test and it came back good. We have received a price on replacing the maintenance shop doors. We are working on a new entrance keypad with Red Hawk. Once we receive the insurance information that project will begin. The community room floor has been stripped and waxed. They are waiting for the blinds and windows to be washed before the new curtains go up.
At Kingsboro Towers we had an engineer come to look at the boiler, we are looking at having the boiler for the common area replaced. We are trying to get the new flooring taken care of, we are waiting on the contractor to finish up the details. The Executive Director contacted the fire department regarding one of the doors in the community room and we are still working on that.
There is still no interest in anyone running for Resident Commissioner. She reminded everyone that a Resident Commissioner represents everyone, not just the building they live in. The information has been submitted for the environmental review once we get that back I will submit that to HUD. Interviews for a new Tenant Relations Assistant have been completed and sent to Civil Service for approval. Director Reynolds, Mr. Battaglia, and Mrs. Sena have been working on the Capital Fund Program. Once completed we will hold a Public Hearing and present the plan to the Board for approval. The Board has been given a copy of the Resolution allowing the Executive Director to sign off on 34 S. Main HDFC. Once approved I will sign off on the paperwork and forward to appropriate party. We have received notice from HUD that once again we are a high performance authority. Director Reynolds is looking into updating our ACOP as new regulations have come from HUD.
The Chairperson asked for a motion to go into Executive Session regarding the employment history of a particular person. Commissioner Weiss made a motion to go into Executive Session. Commissioner poling seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. The Board went into Executive Session at 6:35 PM.
Chairperson Castiglione asked for a motion to reconvene the meeting. Commissioner Weiss made a motion to reconvene. Commissioner Poling seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. The meeting reconvened at 7:15 PM.
With no further business to discuss the Chairperson asked for a motion to adjourn. Resident Commissioner Sauve made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Ossenfort seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 7:16 PM.