Minutes of a Regular Meeting
The Gloversville Housing Authority’s Board of Commissioners met in a regular session at DuBois Garden Apartments on Tuesday, May 21, 2019 at 6:00 PM.
Board Members Present:
- John Castiglione, Chairperson
- John Poling, Vice Chairperson
- Marcia Weiss, Secretary
- Gail Ryan, Commissioner
- Amanda Ossenfort, Commissioner
- Diane Sauve, Resident Commissioner
Others Present:
- Heather Reynolds, Executive Director
- Anthony Casale, Authority Legal Counsel
Staff Present:
- Joseph Battaglia, Building Maintenance Supervisor
The Chairperson called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. The minutes of the regular meeting held in April were presented. The Chairperson asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the April meeting. Commissioner Ossenfort made a motion to adopt the minutes as presented. Commissioner Weiss seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously.
Chairperson Castiglione asked if there was public comment. A lady from the public, Gladys Lagueux, spoke to the Board regarding the fact that her landlord has sold the apartment house they were living in and they had until the end of June, 2019 to find a new place to live. The gentleman that accompanied Ms. Lagueux explained that they were going to be homeless, he is disabled, and is also a Veteran. Chairperson Castiglione explained that the Authority does not do emergency housing and by HUD rules we must go by our current waiting list. Commissioner Weiss explained that we have nothing to do with the current sale of the property where they are living.
The Chairperson asked if there was any old business to discuss. Commissioner Ryan asked about the amended Gloversville Housing Authority By-Laws; have we gotten them back from New York State. Executive Director Reynolds advised we have not gotten them back.
Regarding committee reports there was nothing from the Tenant Relations Committee or Building and Grounds. Commissioner Poling did report on the Financial Committee. The committee met on May 15, 2019 to go over the accounts payable and to reconcile the checking account, everything was found to be in order. They also reviewed the EFPR audit report and advised the Authority is in the black due to a substantial amount of money that was owed to the Gloversville Housing Authority from a previous year. Mr. Poling advised they also reviewed the GHA Operating Statement and reviewed the year to date budget, October 1, 2019 through April 30, 2019. Commissioner Ryan asked if the entire Board would be receiving a copy of the budget on a monthly basis, she did receive an email with the budget through March 31, 2019. The Executive Director advised she thought she had emailed it to everybody. It was decided that the Operating Budget would be sent with the monthly Board packet. Mrs. Ryan asked if the Board would receive a presentation from the auditors regarding their report. Everyone advised there would be no presentation from the auditors. Chairperson Castiglione reported on the Personnel Committee. The Committee plus the Executive Director met last week and interviewed three candidates for the Tenant Relations Assistant position that will soon be vacant and are in the process of hiring one of them for the position.
The Chairperson asked for a motion to adopt Resolution No. 776, Accounts Payable for April, 2019. Mrs. Ryan made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 776. Commissioner Poling seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously.
The Chairperson presented Resolution No. 777, a revision to the current air conditioner charges. Commissioner Weiss made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 777. Resident Commissioner Sauve seconded the motion. Commissioner Ryan had some concerns regarding the current Air Conditioner Policy. She stated there were many inconsistencies within the three policies, each development had their own policy. After much discussion it was decided to adopt the resolution and make the necessary changes at a later date.
Chairperson Castiglione presented Resolution No. 778, Second Amendment to the Amended and Restated Agreement of Limited Partnership of Kingsborough Apartments, LP. Mrs. Ryan made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 778. Ms. Sauve seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously.
The Chairperson asked Resident Commissioner Sauve for her monthly report. Ms. Sauve advised both senior towers had their May rummage sales and they both made out quite well. Forest Hill Towers is in the process of getting their community room cleaned. With the nice weather more of the residents are getting outside. Resident Commissioner Sauve advised she will be meeting with the residents at Kingsboro Towers next week, she meets with them once a month. Priority Home Care did a presentation last week at Forest Hill Towers and provided the residents with a dinner and music, it was very nice. They will be doing the same at Kingsboro Towers next month.
The Chairperson spoke to the Board about the election in June for Resident Commissioner. We had no interest from anyone at any of our three developments to run for Resident Commissioner. As a Resident Commissioner you represent all residents at all developments, in the past we had one Resident Commissioner represent the senior towers and one represent the family development. There will not be another election until next year so in the meantime Resident Commissioner Sauve will be representing all three developments. In the future when she gives her monthly report she will also be reporting on DuBois Garden Apartments. Ms. Sauve said she understood but she will need help from the Executive Director and Tenant Relations Assistant. Mrs. Ryan asked Ms. Sauve if she was still doing the monthly newsletter. She advised no because the Authority stopped copying for them and it is too expensive to have them copied elsewhere. Kingsboro Towers still does a monthly newsletter, it is in a different layout than Forest Hill Towers was. Commissioner Ryan stated it would be nice if we could do a newsletter that included information from all three developments, this would keep the Board informed of what was going on. Ms. Sauve will get together with Tenant Relations Assistant and work together on a newsletter.
The Executive Director gave her monthly occupancy report. The occupancy rate was at 96.33%. Executive Director Reynolds reported on work that was being done at all three developments. One of the projects we are currently looking into is some kind of covered seating at Kingsboro Towers. Commissioner Ossenfort told her about a pergola that she saw in Amsterdam, it was made of wood with a removable cover and it looked very nice.
The Executive Director advised the new Building Maintenance Worker, John Fonda, is doing well and enjoys the job. He has experience working in private housing. We held the Resident Advisory Board meeting on May 7, 2019. Ms. Sauve asked if they could get new furniture in the community room. The Executive Director advised she is looking into new furniture for all the areas.
Building Maintenance Supervisor Battaglia advised the garden at Forest Hill Towers has been rototilled. One of the residents from Forest Hill Towers commented that last year the garden was not taken care of and they would probably not be planting anything this year. Mr. Battaglia also stated the new maintenance man is working out well.
With no further business to discuss the Chairperson asked for a motion to go into Executive Session. Commissioner Ryan seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. The Board went into Executive Session at 6:43 PM