January 11th, 2020 Board Meeting - Gloversville Housing Authority
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January 11th, 2020 Board Meeting

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January 11th, 2020 Board Meeting

The Gloversville Housing Authority’s Board of Commissioners met in a regular session meeting that took place pursuant to Executive Orders 202.1 of the Governor of the State of New York as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic. The meeting was held on ZOOM on January 11, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.

Board Members Present:

  • Brenda Leitt, Chairperson
  • John Poling, Vice Chairperson
  • Marcia Weiss, Secretary
  • Diane Sauve, Resident Commissioner
  • Margie Pedrick, Commissioner


Others Present:

  • Amanda Ossenfort, Executive Director
  • Anthony Casale, Authority Legal Counsel

Chairperson Leitt called the meeting to order at 6:06 p.m. Roll Call was taken memorializing the presence of the above referenced individuals.

A motion having been made to approve the minutes from the December 10, 2020 meeting of the Gloversville Housing Authority, said motion having been made by Vice Chairperson Poling and seconded by Commissioner Pedrick said motion was carried unanimously. A motion having been made to approve the meeting minutes from the meeting of the Gloversville Housing Authority held on December 14, 2020, said motion having been made by Commissioner Sauve and seconded by Vice Chairperson Poling, said motion was carried unanimously.

Chairperson Leitt having opened the floor for public comment, with there having been none.

Chairperson Leitt having opened the floor for communications to report from the Board Chair, with there having been none.

Chairperson Leitt having opened the floor for old business, with there having been none.

Director’s report is both buildings remain closed due to COVID-19. Chairs have been removed from the common rooms and laundry rooms to minimize loitering. Loitering continues to be an issue. Tenants frequently request that she ask that people refrain from loitering. Executive Director Ossenfort observed loitering on occasion this week and encouraged people to move along. Maintenance personnel continues to ready units for rent… inspection for DuBois are due at the end of January. It has been complicated due to COVID-19. They are going to do as many as they can. The exterminator continues to provide services at DuBois as needed. Continue to work on full system change over. Once it is completed, tenants will receive notices and instructions on how to use the new system. Voicemails aretranscribed to email and there will be services that do not presently exist. There are two staff members out with illness and the office is presently short staffed and doing the best they can with what they have. Patience is needed from the tenants at this time. They are reminded to please leave a voicemail when contacting GHA.

Chairperson Leitt asked if anyone had any questions and Vice Chairperson Poling asked what the turn around time is for cleaning out a unit after a tenant passes away. Presently short staffed for tenant relations in turning over apartments and they are working on it at this time.

Chairperson Leitt opened the floor for committee reports. Vice Chairperson Poling inquired about committee lists and made inquiry about whether committee would take place via zoom or in person. Secretary Weiss indicated it would be a case by case basis and Chairperson Leitt agreed. Executive Director Ossenfort indicated that she believed it to be important that the finance committee meet at least once per month. Chairperson Leitt made the following committee assignments: Personnel Committee – Brenda Leitt, Margie Pedrick, and Marcia Weiss. Finance Committee – John Poling, Marcia Weiss, and Brenda Leitt. Tenant Relations Committee – Diane Sauve and Margie Pedrick. Executive Committee – John Poling, Marcia Weiss, and Brenda Leitt. Buildings and Grounds Committee – Diane Sauve and Margie Pedrick.

Chairperson Leitt opened the floor for new business with there having been none.

A motion having been made to go into Executive Session pursuant to Public Officers Law Section 105.1(f), at 6:23 p.m., said motion having been made by Secretary Weiss and seconded by Vice Chairperson Poling, the Board went into Executive Session at 6:23 p.m. A motion having been made to conclude Executive Session at 7:35 p.m. by Secretary Weiss and seconded by Vice Chairperson Poling, the Executive Session concluded.

A motion having been made to adjourn the meeting at 7:36 p.m., said motion having been made by Secretary Weiss and seconded by Vice Chairperson Poling, the meeting was adjourned at 7:36 p.m.

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